In 1913, the animated cartoon film was merely a cinematic gimmick. That same year, an artist named John Randolph Bray produced his first cartoon film, and the following year, founded the first successful animated cartoon studio in New York City. An industry was thus born, and the rest is cinema history.
Here you'll learn all about the studio's history, the film pioneers who passed through it, the cartoons they created there, and what survives today.
The Bray Animation Project is an endeavor by animation historian and film archivist Tommy José Stathes, with the assistance of many other scholars, archives, and collectors.
May 2016: ALERT!
A new Blu-ray/DVD combo collection of archival Bray Studios cartoons has been completed. Check out the Kickstarter campaign, which ran in late 2015, to learn more about the project. The home video collection is currently out of print, but is due back in fall 2020.
Here you'll learn all about the studio's history, the film pioneers who passed through it, the cartoons they created there, and what survives today.
The Bray Animation Project is an endeavor by animation historian and film archivist Tommy José Stathes, with the assistance of many other scholars, archives, and collectors.
May 2016: ALERT!
A new Blu-ray/DVD combo collection of archival Bray Studios cartoons has been completed. Check out the Kickstarter campaign, which ran in late 2015, to learn more about the project. The home video collection is currently out of print, but is due back in fall 2020.
The Bray Animation Project
website was first published June 1st, 2011.
Site contents ©2011-2020 by Thomas J. Stathes and individual contributors as noted.
Please request permission for use of images or texts elsewhere.
website was first published June 1st, 2011.
Site contents ©2011-2020 by Thomas J. Stathes and individual contributors as noted.
Please request permission for use of images or texts elsewhere.